Daily Rate Calculator

When starting as a freelancer and even after the initial phase, you might stumble across questions like “What prices can I charge?” or “How many days do I have to work for all my expenses to be paid?”.

And there might be tough part of negotiating the price with the customer in a specific situation. You should then already know the lowest price you can offer. And you should have a target to cover not just your expenses but also your holidays, further training/education, etc.

The Daily Rate Calculator is a Web App helping you to find suitable prices for contracts you are in negotiation for or you want to prepare for negotiations.

It primary answers two questions:

  • What daily rate do I have to offer at least for a given number of contracted days to have my tax and costs covered?
  • How long to I have to work for a given daily rate to have my tax and costs covered?
    It’s abstraction allows to be adjusted for different tax models.

Currently it just comes with a simplified tax model for Germany consisting of it’s three main parts income tax, church tax and solidarity supplement. It is simplified because specialties — like parts of the social costs can be treated as a kind of business costs — are not modelled.

For the most cases in Germany that should fit — and in doubt it creates higher tax costs. That is a safe mode and you better put too much than too less money aside for the fiscal government.

You can find a running version here:

Data transferred to the server

None, except the standard http protocol data. This tool neither sends any of your input data to the server nor does it collect usage data or uses cookies.

The technology used

The tool uses JavaScript on client-side for all the calculations. For storing information it uses the Web API LocalStorage